Is Climb Central suitable for someone who has NEVER climbed before?

Climb Central’s motto is - “EVERYONE CAN CLIMB” and we understand that before our guest’s first visit to Climb Central, they may have NEVER climbed before. And… THAT’S OK!

Just like when one thinks about swimming, it is not something that comes naturally… at least to us those who are not super-humans 😂


So… with that said, Climb Central crew welcomes everyone who wants to climb with the assumption that they may have never climbed before.

Whether a guest has never climbed, maybe climbed once or twice, or has been climbing for years - the first time at Climb Central Delhi - every guest is required to take a 15-minute mandatory safety briefing provided hands-on by our experienced crew.

The safety briefing broadly covers:

  • Equipment usage - climbing shoes and climbing harness

  • Facility protocol - do’s and don’ts

  • Use of auto-belay system with demo

  • Interactive explanation of the CC top-rope belay protocol and client to demonstrate proficiency in the same*

*Children (5-13 years old) are not allowed to belay and must be supervised by an adult or a youth who has satisfactorily cleared our safety briefing

At Climb Central Delhi - India’s largest indoor climbing facility - there are tremendous amount of climbing challenges available and even a newcomer can easily plan to spend 3-4 hours climbing without running out of things to do. In fact, as a climber progresses and becomes proficient, we have enough challenges to keep the climber busy for a few months!