Climbing is a natural activity for children

Observing an active child, it becomes evident that one of the things that come naturally is the need for the child to climb. Seeing a child take her first steps is a joyous moment for parents, but what gets missed is that the child possibly climbed before even taking their first steps. It is also common to hear a parent shout - "get down from there", or "stop climbing that piece of furniture".

Unlike walking, climbing is a skill that does not get nurtured as the child grows older. It has to do with our environment and our needs that don't require climbing to accomplish our daily routines.


Interestingly, it has been documented scientifically that climbing stimulates several parts of our brain and is not only a physical but also a taxing mental activity. Making a child climb during the early years has been correlated to enhanced mental activity and the child's ability to do better mathematically and in complex problem-solving. Why is this the case? Maybe it has to do with the fact that climbing requires the eyes to map the climb ahead and also to coordinate with the rest of the body to work out the moves required ahead of time to be able to complete the climb and also climb as efficiently as possible.

So, bring your child to Climb Central Delhi and be amazed at how much fun they will have. There is a minimum age requirement of 5 years, height requirement of minimum 1.1 mtrs and weight requirement of minimum 20 kgs.

See you soon.