Is rock climbing an extreme sport, adventure activity or simply about fitness?

This is a tricky question to answer and will be very subjective depending on not only “what” is being done, but also “who” is doing it.

Most people who are not familiar with rock climbing will consider and categorize it as an extreme sport simply on account of the “perceived” risk that is being undertaken by climbers, without necessarily taking into consideration the safety measures employed by the climber to significantly reduce or minimize risk.


Leaving the outdoors, where the safety is in the hands of the climber and their own knowledge and control measures, let us move this discussion to indoor climbing.

It is safe to say that most indoor climbing facilities understand that there is inherent risk involved when a climber climbs at their facility and hence most would have certain protocols and measures in place to mitigate or minimize risks associated with climbing when climbers are climbing indoors.

If a climbing facility has provided systems and protocol measures for addressing and increasing safety for a climber, climbing at such a facility categorically moves it away from “extreme sport” into more of a “adventure” or “fitness” activity.

At Climb Central Delhi, many of our first time guests or amateurs get a tremendous sense of accomplishment when they are able to reach the top of our climbing walls at a whopping height of 12+ mtrs. For a beginner, getting to such a height is a true testament to their grit and resolve to overcome the inherent fear of heights.


This in fact is how the journey begins for most amateur climbers - as an “adventure” activity. But most realize very quickly that climbing also feels like a great workout for the full body including upper body and legs as both are being utilized with every action of climbing. Once this realization sets in, they are initiated into the sport by being given more knowledge about the various routes that are set on the walls at Climb Central facilities including Singapore, Manila, Bangkok and Delhi.

Most climbers who understand the benefits of climbing take on the sport wholeheartedly and make it a part of their fitness routine. Many climbers pursue climbing multiple times a week and will attempt routes of varying levels of complexity.

Complexity on a route is defined by variables such as movements, techniques and also pure endurance. Completing a route may be a journey in it’s own right as the climber figures out the best possible way to complete the route and realizing that certain moves will have to be learnt before they can complete the route successfully.