New Year Fitness Resolutions - The Fun Way

Are you tired of making fitness resolutions, but drop them along the way because of it just being too darn difficult or boring?

This new year, resolve to stay fit by mixing adventure with fitness and take up the sport of rock climbing.

Climbing is fun because it is forever changing (new routes are added every week to keep you challenged). There are multiple levels and difficulties. So once you clear the basic level of learning how to climb, there are many more advanced levels waiting to excite you.

Rock climbing is highly addictive because once you start working on a particular route, it is hard to give up without completing it successfully.

Climbing provides a natural way to stretch your body. Many climbers and bouldering enthusiasts describe rock climbing as “Yoga on a vertical plane”.

Can you imagine that you are not only working out, losing fat, building muscle, stretching and burning a whopping 900+ calories every hour of active climbing!

So, what are you waiting for? Come to Climb Central Delhi and get initiated in this fun sport and stick to your fitness goals this year!