When will Climb Central Delhi reopen?

Now that is a million dollar question and while we are eager to reopen as soon as we can, we are not entirely certain at this time.

The government mandated strict lockdown measures have been extended several times now and there does not seem to be a clear indication regarding reopening of sports facilities and sports climbing centres.

One thing is certain though - when we reopen, many measures will be instituted to allow our guests to feel safe. We are actively reviewing measures like pre-bookings and pre-payments, limiting the amount of time in our facilities and putting measures in the climbing zone that support safe distancing.

Many countries that are reopening such as those in Europe and several states in the United States of America, have permitted climbing centres to reopen. We are in touch with many of them to understand how they are dealing with the reopening and collating best practices that we can utilize here. The climbing community is working very hard together and supporting each other in this difficult time.

We will publish more information when we know that we can reopen and also communicate any measures (temporary or permanent) that are different than what you have experienced before at Climb Central Delhi.

Stay home | Stay Safe | Stay Fit.